Vigan Cityhood

Vigan City, once named Ciudad Fernandina is a historic city in the Philippines, in the province of Ilocos Sur. The city is known for its well-preserved historic architecture, streets made of cobblestones, and historical sites. Before getting colonized, Vigan City was a coastal trading post, and settlement for Chinese merchants, exchanging goods such as porcelain, silk, and other items for locally produced items such as gold, beeswax, and cotton. With Bahay Kubo, or houses built from stilts as its earliest architecture. In 1572, Vigan was founded by Juan de Salcedo and was named Ciudad Fernandina in honor of King Ferdinand II of Aragon. The city was made into a hub for the Spanish political, religious, and commercial operations in the Philippines. Back in 1762, Vigan was occupied ...